Hi Everyone! Hope you all are having a great week. This week, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we're talking about what we're thankful for. 2018 has really flown by and has been filled with so much joy and adventure. I've managed to keep myself alive and well for over two years after graduating college and for that in itself I am very thankful. When I look back on this year there are certain themes that summarize what I'm thankful for.
Stability: As much as I am constantly moving around during a bunch of different things, I am thankful to have a home base, my apartment. My apartment really feels like home and I love being in it and just taking lounging and relaxing in a place that I've set up the way I wanted and for it to be mine. I've also stayed on the same team at work this year which has been really great in terms of me feeling comfortable and confident in the work that I'm producing. I feel like it's given me a solid platform to interject new ideas and try different things and I'm looking forward to seeing where that takes me.
Community: I really have the best support system. From my parents being my number one cheerleaders, my friends being my biggest hype-man and the online communities that are filled with new insight and ideas, I am encouraged, motivated, and loved and I couldn't be happier. It's through them I know I can reach beyond my potential.
Growth: This year has really been a growing year for me. I've become more unapologetic about who I am, what I want to do, and who I want to be. It is now that I am able to really express what I want which has opened up many opportunities for understanding both in work and my personal life. I am thankful for the woman that I was and I'm excited for the woman that I am becoming.
Love: This may tie in with everything above but I am thankful for love. To be able to love others just as I am loved feels rewarding and comforting. I feel at peace knowing that the love and care that I have for other people isn't being taken advantage of and is being encouraged. I love my family, my friends, and my life and I feel at peace with it all.
I hope you all have an amazing thanksgiving with your the people you love and cherish the most. What are some things that you're thankful for? Let us know.