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The Engineer: Summer Seventeen

If there's one thing you must know about me, it's that I can't sit still. I always have to be going somewhere, moving around doing anything and everything I find interesting. During the year, I probably average maybe 25-50% of my weekends in NY. This summer, however, was filled with tons of travels, friendships and many memories.

In May, I just went back to Houston for a quick trip to see my family. I hadn't been back to Houston since thanksgiving and I hadn't seen my family since January so it was definitely time and very much needed. Additionally, some of my friends came to visit me and we got to explore more of New York City.

In June, one major highlight of my adventures is that I went to Cuba! With the travel ban being lifted (well before it got restricted again), I knew it was an experience that I couldn't miss out on! I went with a few of my friends that I met in New York and we had an amazing time exploring the beautiful city of Havana, eating all the local cuisine, and mingling with the local Cubanos. It was one of my favorite trips to date and I will definitely be going back any chance I get.

In July, my family came to visit me! And we drove down to D.C. and then up to Connecticut during the Fourth of July weekend. If you didn't know this about me already, family is the most important thing to me. There's nothing more heartwarming to me than sitting in a room with all my cousins just laughing and enjoying each other's company. As we've gotten older, we see each other less and less meaning that the time we spend together all that more precious.

This month, has probably been my busiest month to date. I went to Toronto for Caribana, went to Pittsburgh for my friend's White Coat Cermony, and this weekend I'm going to Atlanta for a friend's birthday! Thinking about all that I've been doing and things that I have planned does get overwhelming, but I'm honestly enjoying every minute of it and have no intentions of slowing down.

I want to look back on my life and have it filled with wonderful experiences that I still remember so vividly. Material items come and go but the memories you have can last a lifetime. I'm definitely going to look back on this summer as one for the books.

What have you been up to this summer? Let me know!

- The Engineer


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