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The Engineer: Role Models are Important

No matter how independent we are (or like to think we are), we can't make it in this world alone. We each have goals and aspirations that probably stem from something we see that we want to be and want to obtain. Me, I can honestly say I would not be where I am today if it weren't for the people I look up to and admire and the people that look up to me.

There have been people in my life that I feel organically drawn to. These are people I can immediately see that I can learn a lot from and that they can point me in the right direction or the right people. At Pitt as a freshman, I always looked at the upperclassmen when trying to navigate through the engineering curriculum which helped me push through. They offered encouragement, recommended professors, and even helped me with assignments at times. Without the support of my Pitt engineering family, getting my degree would have been impossible.

Once entering the corporate world, I became more conscious of this need and began to seek after that same support system and network that I had developed at Pitt. I connected with a few women who are more senior in my company, introduced myself, and formed a relationship in which I could be honest about how I felt in terms of where things were going in my career. They have been so pivotal in helping me understand myself and gave me the confidence to step up and define my career on my own terms. I look forward to seeing how my relationship with these women continue to blossom and grow and can’t wait to soak up all the knowledge they have to instill in me.

When times get hard and I feel like giving up, I gain strength in the fact that people are looking up to me, and I keep pushing. I am one of the oldest children in my family so I take my actions very seriously to continue being someone that my younger siblings and cousins can look up to. As my younger family members give me strength, I offer them encouragement and advice on how to navigate through life. You never know how your actions could impact and influence others so it's important to take your actions seriously and responsibly.

Having role models allows you to have a support system that will help you grow and flourish. Being a role model allows you to hold yourself accountable and act with integrity. Both are important to help you navigate through life, so find a role model and be a role model. - The Engineer


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