Hi Beautiful People! This week I'm going to be giving you all a life update! A lot has happened and we figured that it would help you all get to know and keep up with what we've been doing. Hope you enjoy this post!
How's work? Work has been really busy for me. I feel like the work never ends and I have very little time to waste away. I finally feel like I'm really apart of my team now and can voice my opinions with the utmost confidence. I'm involved in a couple affinity networks at work which has kept me really busy and has given me the opportunity to network with a variety of people across my company. I really like the work I'm doing and the people that I get to work with which has made my experience so rewarding and fulfilling.
What have I been doing outside of work? I have still been traveling a bunch and hanging out with friends. One of my best friends from high school came to visit me from Canada and it was great getting to see her after all these years. I also got to explore more of New York City; something I haven't really done even though I've lived here for over a year.
On another note, I bought a car! It's so exciting to finally call myself a car owner. It's honestly the most expensive thing that I have my name on and I'm really proud that I was able to do this on my own. I'm going to have to rework my budget but I am so excited about it.
Personally, I'm working on speaking more positively about myself. I'm always hard on myself and tend to spew out negative thoughts, but I recognize that's not good for me even if I don't totally mean it. I am trying to navigate and manage all my personal relationships and ensuring that they are all healthy, positive, and fulfilling. In short, I'm trying to achieve complete and total happiness in all aspects of my life.
I hope you enjoyed my little life update. Let us know if we should do more! - The Engineer