Hello! It’s hard to believe that we’ve reached December. Time has really flown by. This post will be our last post of the year and we thought it’d be best to just look back and reflect on this past year.
This year I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’ve learned what I wanted professionally as well as personally and gained the confidence to manifest what I wanted to make me a happier person.

I’ve traveled to so many different cities, meeting up with new and old friends showing me the importance and effort needed to build and maintain those relationships as well as gaining new insights and perspectives.
As I’ve grown a lot this year, I’ve felt the pains that have come with it. I’ve learned that it’s okay to eliminate yourself from toxicity or friends that you don’t think are helping you grow as individuals. It’s okay for people to say you have changed and you should be proud of what you’ve accomplished.
I’ve become more vulnerable. It’s been a challenge for me to open yourself up to other people whether it be through this blog or people in my day to day life but I’m trying and I hope that my efforts have been appreciated.
I turned twenty three years old this year, an age where a lot of people don’t get to reach but also an age that I will look back on as a defining moment in my life.
I have enjoyed life and the people around me who have been supporting me and encouraging me to achieve my goals and aspirations.
2017 has been a good year for me and I hope you all can say the same thing. I can’t wait to do more, see more, and be more in 2018 because this momentum that I’m carrying at the end of this year will only fuel me for the beginning of 2018. If 2017 wasn’t good for you this year, 2018 will be better. Leave the bad energy or toxicity the you had in 2017 in 2017 and let 2018 be the year of new blessings and inspirations.
I hope you’ve enjoyed our posts this year as much as we’ve enjoyed writing them. See you next year when we’re back with bigger and better things! - The Engineer.