Hey everyone! I hope you all had amazing holidays and are working on those new year goals, we‘ll get to ours next week. To start off 2019, we thought it would be fitting to introduce ourselves to our new followers and reintroduce ourselves to the OG followers with some fun facts.
The overall goal of #MacScientist is to show young women in STEM that they can do this and that there are people that can relate to their journey. We talk about everything, the good, bad, and everything in between so you all understand what a day in our lives is like. We try to be as transparent as possible - honesty is the best policy.

First things first. I’m Devin aka The Chemist and the original #MacScientist. My aunt gave me that nickname and you can read all about how we got this brand started here. I’m currently a 3rd graduate student at The Ohio State University pursuing a PhD in analytical chemistry, but here are some more interesting fun facts.
1. I have enough lipstick to wear a different one every day for about 2 months.
2. My favorite movie is The Wiz.
3. HGTV is my new obsession.
4. I will stop any, and all, conversations to point out any dog I see.
5. I find pure joy in cooking - which also comes with a free concert.
6. I, like America, run on Dunkin’, it’s practically one of my monthly bills like my utilities.
7. My oil diffuser is my favorite purchase of 2018.
8. If I like a piece of clothing or shoe enough, I’ll buy it in multiple colors with no remorse - I have a problem with Timbs, scarves, and aviator sunglasses.
9. When I make enough money I want to build my dream home (refer to #3).
10. Chocolate chip cookies make me happy and are the quickest way to my heart.
These are really just a few tidbits of my life, there’s more to come that we‘ll talk about in 2019. If you have topic suggestions please do not hesitate to send them our way! We want to make sure we’re putting out content that you all enjoy. Thank you for starting, or continuing, to follow our journeys. I am so excited for you all to see what we have in store for you these next few months.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know a few things about me. Now tell me something about you! Tweet me some fun facts so we can chat!
- The Chemist