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The Chemist: New Year, Better Me

Hey Everyone! I hope you all had blessed holidays and are getting back into the swing of things. There are some new things on the horizon for #MacScientist and we really hope you all enjoy them. Be sure to be on the lookout on our social media.

We wanted to start off the year with posts about our own personal resolutions for 2018. There were things I did really well last year so my resolutions are, in part, continuations of my 2017. I’m looking at this year as a year of continued progression. I don’t want to a “new me”, but a better one. But anyway, here are a few of mine.

  1. My fitness journey. In August, I made the decision (with my family) to do this weight loss challenge until my birthday and so far it’s going super well! I love how I’m feeling and looking and being in gym is my favorite stress reliever. It’s amazing what diet and exercise can do. Plussssss, my skin is on point! That’s an added bonus. This is something I want to bring with me in 2018. I’m trying this pescatarian diet (only meat allowed is fish/seafood) for a few months so I’ll keep you all posted on how this goes. So far it’s not too bad but I do miss chicken and bacon (AKA those will be my cheat meals). I hit a weight loss plateau because my body is use to working out 4-5 times a week, so I figured a change in my diet should help a bit. I’m not where I want to end up, but if I have learned anything in these last 5 months is that losing weight is a lifestyle change, so I’m a work in progress.

  2. Academic success. There is a lot going on for this spring semester of my second year of grad school. I’m back in class, I’m trying to finish up my first project which means I need to be writing a paper soon, and I have my candidacy exam happening in the next few months. All of this means that I have to be focused. Tunnel vision to making it to the fall when I can breathe a little bit. So my resolution would be to remain disciplined and on top of my schedule so I don’t get stressed. Doing a little at a time so I don’t get overwhelmed and have to rush to finish everything last minute. This means I’m going to need accountability partners! I have Sierra who I see and talk to everyday, but I’d love some other people to randomly ask me about my study habits, my experiments, and my proposal. So if you’re up for the task, I’d appreciate it! You know how to reach me (twitter/FB/text).

  3. Self care. Now this is something I did not do well last year. I let myself get so overwhelmed I wasn’t sleeping well and was really unmotivated, which made me “sleep” more. It was a whole thing. So this is the goal I really want to work on in 2018. I want to find ways/methods to help me when I’m stressed out without relying on other people pulling me out of those moods. I think it’s important to know what works for you when you’re alone because there will be times when all you have is you. I know coloring works for me sometimes but I want to get into like yoga and meditation, things along those lines. If anyone knows any self care techniques please share. Lord knows I need it. Now I’m not saying bubble baths, face masks, and shopping sprees aren’t effective buttt I’m cheap so I want something where I can channel my emotions and relax. I do want an oil diffuser though, so if you know any good blends for sleeping and anxiety share those too. But regardless, even though this is going to be my hardest resolution to uphold, I’m up for the challenge, hopefully. Just stay on me about it.

I told you mine, so what are yours? Feel free to share your goals for 2018 with the girls and me. We’d love to hear them!

See you next week!

- The Chemist


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