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The Chemist: Life Update!

Hey there! This week on the blog we're giving you all a life update. We want to be transparent on the site so we figured you all should know what we've been up to recently.

So what's new with me? Nothing major, at least I don't think so. My research is going really well and I'm working to finish collecting my data so I can start writing my first "first author" research paper. That's really a lot of back and forth with showing my advisor and group my data and then them giving me something new to try, which means I have to redo some experiments, and then doing it all over again until all of my data is solid. The good thing about this is that it feels good to almost be done this first project in my second semester of research. This also means that I can start my second project, the one I'm the most excited about. I'm not going to explain what I'm going to be doing because at this point I only semi-understand what is happening, but as I learn, you all will learn too!

On another note, I'm giving my first research talk at a national conference! This I'm excited about. I'll be in Minneapolis at the end of the month for NOBCChE's annual conference and I get to present my research in a 10ish minute talk. Prepping for this presentation has been interesting to say the least. You have to selectively explain your research in 10 minutes, without giving other people the opportunity to take that idea and run with it. My slides are done, which is good, so now it's a matter of getting the presentation out of the way.

As far as my social life goes, that's pretty much the same. I'm getting closer to the friends I've made here and branching out and making a few new friends. I am enjoying going to the football games this season! That is a lotttttttt of fun and our marching band is amazing. I legitimately love halftime strictly for the band to see them do a script "Ohio" on the field every home game week. I'm also heading to Pitt this weekend for homecoming. I miss my Pitt friends and this will be the first time all of the #MacScientistGirls will be in the same place at the same time. Be on the lookout for social media posts of the four of us together.

For my personal life, I'm just trying to stay focus. Trying to make sure I'm not letting me in my life that are toxic and that don't bring anything to the table. My PhD. is my ultimate goal and if you aren't supporting me in that dream thennnnnnn it sucks to be you. Growth is a slow process and that's something I've been learning in grad school. You have good days and some bad ones too, but that shouldn't stop you in your tracks. The thing about growth is that you have to have those hard times that you make it through in order for it to happen. Everything and everyone is a lesson and a blessing. Once you start thinking that and focusing on self love and inner peace, things get so much better.

Tweet/FB me with an update about your life! See you next week.

-The Chemist


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