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The Chemist: Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me,

I hope by this point you're officially Dr. Devin J. Swiner, PhD and that you didn't lose sight of your mental health in the process. I hope that you built lasting relationships and networked your butt off during your last year and landed your dream job (WITH the dream pay). My prayers for you are that you are happy, truly happy with the decisions you've made up to this point, and that you're thriving. I want you to be forward thinking and moving on to reach new goals. I really hope you've been traveling! I really want to knock off all of those places on our travel bucket list. I pray that you've moved out of the north - it's about time we bask in some sun or at least gone to a place that experiences all 4 seasons.

Future me, I want you to be everything Present me dreams of, and then some. You should be older, wiser, more secure, and continue to have a good heart. I hope you find someone to love that matches your drive and that you keep your friends around that have always kept your best interests at heart. Don't feel guilty for removing negative people out of your life either! You're onto bigger and better things and they're dead weight. You can't keep carrying them around, you don't need them like they need you. Good vibes ALWAYS!

I want you to be apologetically brave. Reach for the stars. If your goals aren't scaring you, they aren't big enough. Push yourself, but not too hard or spread yourself too thin, we know how you get ( you tend to overdo it, so I hope we're actively working on that one). I know you're a work in progress and I am already proud of the leaps and bounds you've jumped. I couldn't have imagined we'd have gotten this far honestly - even the curve balls you got thrown. Look, you're BOMB! Okurtttt *Cardi voice* Be confident in that and that you're exactly where you're supposed to be.

Stay true to who we both know you are. Continue to make yourself proud. You're your biggest fan, always remember that. Find joy in your journey.

Love Always,



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