Hi everyone and happy new year! I hope 2020 is treating you well so far. As usual, we wanted to start the year off posting about our resolutions and intentions for 2020. For all of our returning supporters, thank you soooo much for following us on our journey. We truly do appreciate your support. For any newcomers to #MacScientist, welcome! I hope you all enjoy and engage with our content. Now onto my 2020 vision - I couldn’t resist that one.

So, 2019 was my year of being intentional, with myself, my relationships, my work, and I have to say this is the best I’ve felt in a really long time. I met a fair amount of, and surpassed, some of my goals so I want 2020 to be even better. My “theme” for this year is twofold: 1. I want to show more gratitude and 2. I want to be genuine. I want to make sure that what I’m putting out into the world is authentic and I also want to make sure that the people in my life know how truly thankful I am for them. Now this is not to say that I don’t these things already, but I definitely want to be intentional in these ways this year. And be intentional not only with others, but to myself. 2020 is going to be personal. I want to capitalize on the progress I’ve made with myself last year and keep it going.
I have tangible resolutions too! I’ll break these into categories.
I want to journal every day.
I fell in love with journaling last year, but I did it sporadically so this year the goal is to do it every day. I started this past Sunday and have been alternating journals, since they only have 150 pages each, every morning before I leave my apartment. Each journal has me focusing on a different thing but it really has helped set the tone for my day. One journal has me answering a question, setting intentions, and writing a note to myself, another has me list what I’m grateful for before setting intentions, and the other is for writing daily affirmations. I realized that I have to actively take time for myself and setting aside 10-15 minutes in the morning for that specifically has been really good for me. Eventually I’ll make a meditation corner in my apartment.
I want to cook new recipes.
So I’m a self-proclaimed chef. I loveeeee cooking, it puts me in my happy place, so this year I want to cook new things. I cook fairly often as is, but I want to explore new foods to add to my palate. I am collecting any and all recipes for your favorite dishes! Tweet, DM, or message them to me! The goal is to try new things and post about them, so definitely be on the lookout for that.
I want to do a service project.
I’m relatively service oriented and this has been on my heart for a few months now. I want to coordinate a service project this year and I want it to be geared towards children. I do what I do in an effort to give back to those that are coming behind me and service is a great way to do. I don’t know what it’s going to look like yet, but I’m making time to do this in 2020. If you are interested in helping me in this endeavor or know any organizations I could target, please let me know!
I need 2 job offers.
So it‘s about that time when I have to start taking graduation seriously, which means I need a job! My goal for 2020 is to secure 2 offers by the end of the year. I want to have options and make an informed decision about my next steps. I could graduate as early as December or at the latest next spring so it’s time to grind this year. CV’s, resumes, and business cards will be available at any given time.
I want 2 more first author, research papers.
As a graduate student publishing is important and last year I published twice, one was for my research and the other was a review, and I was really proud of myself for doing them both within a 5 month span. This year, I want two more research papers, which means I’m going to be in the lab a lot. I’m currently working on a paper now so keep your fingers crossed for me.
Outline my dissertation.
Every time I think about graduation it’s a little scary. I have to eventually start writing my dissertation, but I want to tackle it in steps so I don’t get overwhelmed. I’m in a good place as far as my progress goes, and I have a good idea of what’s going in my dissertation, so it’s just a matter of slowly starting to get it on paper. As it stands right now, this is something I’m planning on starting in the summer, after I finish another project, so I can take “research inventory” if you will. Anyone want to hold me accountable for this? I am going to need you big time.
I’m going to be busy this year, as you can see, but I think it’s going to be worth it. I’ve been speaking a lot of this into existence so be sure to randomly check in with me about these goals. I love accountability partners.
What are you challenging yourself to do this year? Let me know your resolution!
- The Chemist