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The Chemist: 2019 in a Nutshell

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you all are starting to wind down your year and are enjoying time with your families. I'm finally home on Christmas Break and besides the manuscript I have to finish writing, I'm glad I get to relax a little bit. For our last post of 2019, we decided to do a reflection post about our year. So let's get started.

I meditated more!

This was a goal I had for myself this year and I'm glad I was able to keep it up. I invested in an amazing journal and my planner has some self-care activities in it as well so I've been working in them both weekly. I'll talk more about what I want to do in 2020 with this progress I've made in my first post of the new year, but overall, this has been doing wonders for my mental health. I'm learning to catch myself before I get too stressed and have been finding better ways to work through it. It's been great!

I published!

A major component of graduate school is being able to publish and I've put out two first author papers this year!! One was a research paper about my first project and the second was a review paper. The review was the hardest thing I've done and it took A LOT of work, but with some help from two of my lab mates, we were able to crank it out. They both are pretty good, but I'm biased.

I've grown!

Growth is something that I always strive for, but this year of being intentional with myself has been so fruitful. I've been learning to set and maintain boundaries and have also been kinder to myself. I've been feeling better, more whole, and that's all I could've asked for this year.

Honestly, 2019 in a nutshell has been very challenging, on all levels, but it's also been amazing. I think some of the most beautiful things come out of being challenged and that's really what this year has been for me. It's been a roller coaster, but the ride has been worth it and I know that I've been laying the foundation for some great things to come. . \

What are some of your favorite moments of 2019? Let me know on Twitter and IG!

-The Chemist


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