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The Chemist: 2017 Reflection

Hey everyone! This week will feature our last posts of the year so we decided to do a reflection of 2017. I'd first like to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you for your support of this blog and brand! From the bottom of my heart, I genuinely love and appreciate all of you. Out of all of the things I've done this year, starting #MacScientist was by far the best and most rewarding. I truly hope you continue with us on this journey as we get bigger and better in 2018!

This truly has been a year of growth and self awareness for me. Graduate school has taught me a lot and has also given me many challenges and opportunities to blossom as both a scientist and a young adult. From classes to research to papers to conferences, this has been a fast paced year and I pray that the momentum I'm on right now stays there. Time truly does fly when you're having fun....well as much fun as can be had in a PhD program. Regardless, the friendships I've made, and maintained, this year are some of the most special relationships I have. The people in my corner are really the absolute best and I thank God everyday for them. Especially the friends I've made in grad school, man oh man would this be a long and dreary journey without you all here with me on a daily basis.

It is never an easy task to be a Black woman and with everything going on in the world today, it is important to stay strong, grounded, and rooted in your beliefs. We have to stay the course and be examples for the next generation of Black girls that are looking at a world that doesn't seem to care about or encourage them to follow their dreams. This is my hope for #MacScientist in the coming year, to be a beacon of light in a state of darkness. To be a platform for women of color to join together as a support system against a country that isn't. I will just leave it at that.

The end of any year should be a time to enjoy family around the holidays and also look back at the good, the bad, and the ugly of the year behind you to push you towards the year to come. It's a chance for self evaluation and potential motivation to start the next year off with a bang. I've always believed that God gives us a purpose and he puts us where we need to be at the time we need to be there. I am so blessed to have the many opportunities that are in front of me, with and without the blog, and I am so excited to see what 2018 has in store.

I want to wish everyone a happy and blessed holiday season! We will see you January 2018!

-The Chemist


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