Macademics: Branches of Chemistry
The Engineer: Finding Balance
The Technologist: Finding Balance
The Chemist: Grad School is a Balancing Act
The Chemist: Common Misconceptions about Forensics
The Engineer: My Senior Design Project
The Chemist: My Summer at Camp
The Technologist: My Senior Design Project!
Macademics: Elephant Toothpaste
The Technologist: Dancing Boul
The Chemist: My Love for Liptsick
The Technologist: Role Models
The Chemist: My Role Model
The Chemist: My First Publication
The Analyst: Self Care
The Technologist: The Balancing Act
The Chemist: My Dark Semester
Macademics : ESI-Mass Spectrometry
BHM Women in STEM: Marie Daly
BHM: Woman in STEM