Hello again! This month is Mental Health Awareness month and we couldn't end this month without talking about it. Mental Health is something that often times get overlooked, but your mind needs to be healthy in order to function in all parts of your life.
While I try to maintain a positive mind and spirit, I have my down moments. Rather than feel bad or guilty about them, I've learned to embrace them and channel my energy differently. It's not always easy, and it takes some days to get out of it, but once you get out of your head, things start looking a little bit brighter. Here are some of the tips that I personally used to get my mind healthy.
A good workout at the gym gets your endorphins pumping and makes you feel a lot happier. If you have personal fitness goals that you are trying to achieve, going to they gym is a step in the right direction. Follow your exercise with a healthy meal or snack and you're already a step in the right direction.
Talk it out.
You're not alone in this world or in life. A lot of the feelings that you're having is probably the same thing someone you know is having as well. This week I was talking to my friend and I was telling her some of my frustrations, the first thing that came out of her mouth was "What! I've been feeling the same way too." Even though we didn't have a solution to solve our problems just knowing that I'm not alone is comforting. If you don't have anyone in your life that you can talk to, trying seeing a therapist to help you work through your thought processes and help you understand things.
I think way too much. Yes, thinking is great and allows for very meaningful discussions, but it can also be very hard to escape that and really put together a plan of action or at least a grasp on your feelings. Taking time to write out what's on your mind allows you to do an imaginary dump of your mind and make room for new ideas and plans of action. Seeing things in person allows you to really visualize what is going on or at least let out any of the feelings that you may not be able to say out loud.
This is actually something I recently started doing. Taking time to just be still and let your mind centralize its focus is so comforting and sobering. It can be heard to really focus but you can start in small increments and work your way up to longer times. A good app to try and use is called Headspace. It provides guided meditations every day to really get you used to it. I definitely suggest giving it a try and surprise yourself with what you may uncover.
It's okay to be sad and not be 100%. Sometimes bad days turn into a bad week and weeks turn into months and you shouldn't feel guilty or feel that you are alone. Focus on taking it one day at a time or even an hour at a time and build from there. Don't get discouraged, keep going. - The Engineer