Hello Everyone! Hope you guys are having a good week. This week we'll be talking about how to market yourself to job recruiters. If you're reading this and you're in college, fall semesters are recruiting semesters and those new or grad hire spots fill up FAST. The reason why this happens is because companies are going to plenty of conferences meeting thousands of people to recruit in addition to some companies may already have their intern converts to new hires meaning their new grad spots could be limited. Regardless of where you are in your career, it's important that you put your best foot forward. Here are some tips to market yourself for your next venture from the perspective of a software engineer.

Update Your Resume
This tip may seem obvious but it's important that you not only update your resume but you also ensure that your resume really tells the story of who you are as an individual. Include not only work information but also languages you know, organizations you're apart of, leadership positions you hold, etc. You want a recruiter to see all of you not just functional/technical parts of you.
Create a portfolio
Having a portfolio that shows the projects that you've worked on, information about you, and how to contact you is also another avenue to showcase who you are and what you're about. It also allows you the opportunity to showcase your creativity as well.
Contribute to Open Source
There's tons of projects that people are working on that you can collaborate on across the internet. Making open source contributions allow you to get your name out there, furthering your brand which could lead to other opportunities.
Tweet on Twitter
I know so many people who have gotten job opportunities through social media. Increasing your presence online allows you to reach people that you may not have gotten the chance to connect with. You never know where those connections could land.
Building up your personal brand online and making sure your resume is solid and tells your complete story will position yourself for the next phase in your career. Do you have any tips to share? Comment them below.