Hello, friends! I know we've touched on goal setting in a few posts, but writing goals down is nothing without accountability. You need this second part in order to bring those written words to fruition.
The important part about being held accountable for yourself (actions, words, behaviors, etc.) is that it always keeps you in check. It always makes sure that you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, when you're supposed to be doing it, how you're supposed to be doing it. It also makes you commit to what you said you were going to do.
The thing about accountability is that sometimes we need outside help making sure we're on the right track. It's easy for us to push things off when no one else knows the goal we are trying to reach. But if we confide in someone, as an "accountability partner" if you will, it makes it harder to put things on the back burner. Being in grad school, having someone to hold me accountable and being someone that holds other people (shout out to Sierra for both of these things) accountable has been so important. There are way more responsibilities being in a PhD program, and it is harddddd keeping it all together. You have deadlines for conferences, fellowship applications, proposals, patents, research articles, grading deadlines, you name it. All of that on top of trying to be an adult and make adult decisions/purchases, community service, being a part of professional organizations, and anything else non-academic related going on in your life. Having someone that shares your drive, likemindedness, and is accessible to you makes the perfect accountability partner.
Now if you don't like the whole partner idea, then you have to find a way to hold yourself accountable. Keep deadlines on your calendar on your phone with set reminders along the way, make a checklist in permanent ink (so you can't erase it) and cross off things when it's done, or even make and hang a vision board in your room as a constant reminder of where you want to be.
Whichever way you choose, accountability is about discipline. You have to WANT it and you have to put it in your head that you're GOING TO make it. That's the hard part. Once that's there, you'll be on your way.
Let me know how you guys hold yourselves or others accountable on FB or Twitter.
See you next week!
-The Chemist