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Macademics: Mechanical Engineer

Hi again! It's that time of the month for our Macademics series! This time I'm interviewing one of my friends, Oghoghosa Igbineweka, about Mechanical Engineering! Here's what she had to say:

What is Mechanical Engineering?

To me, Mechanical Engineering is a discipline where you see how many moving parts work together to produce a certain function whether it be for power, energy, or design.

Did you always want to be an Mechanical Engineer? What ultimately led you to the decision of becoming an Engineer?​

I wanted to become an engineer after I went to STEM program in South Africa. I originally went down the health sciences track but when I got to see what the other tracks were doing, I became drawn towards the engineering track. In South Africa, I got to go to a hospital in need of good equipment and began to think about the changes could be made for better health care, creating a lasting impact. I chose mechanical engineering specifically because it was the most general and I felt that it gave me the most options.

What were some of your favorite classes in school and why?

I took Mechanical Design II which is where we got to apply what we've learned in all of our classes on a particular project as a group. Another class I took was actually a civil engineering course that focused on sustainability which I became really interested in and plan on pursuing in the future.

What are some thing that you're involved in now that you've graduated? How would you say it has helped you develop professionally and personally?

Currently, I'm involved in a lot of a diversity initiatives at my work. Being involved in these initiatives have made me become more aware and more cognizant on what it's like being an African American women in the work place. Through this, I have been focusing more on building my brand and working towards becoming more of an advocate for African-American  women.

What is one obstacle that you faced in engineering? How did you overcome it?

My biggest obstacle was finding support within my classes. For awhile I felt I was on my own and didn't know who to turn to for help. I overcame this by becoming more involved in various organizations and gaining the confidence to ask when I needed something. 

What is one great piece of advice that a mentor or professor has told you during your college career?

Don't be afraid to ask for help or to try something and fail because you never know what the outcome could be.

What are you currently doing post-graduation? How do you feel you’re degree is helping you?​

I am a technology consulting analyst in Los Angeles, California. My engineering degree has helped me shape how I think about different projects and processes and being able to understand and analyze the data.

What are some of your long term goals?

In the future I would like to have my own consulting firm that focuses on sustainable innovations.

Do you have any advice for our readers interested in pursuing Mechanical Engineering or Engineering in general?

Don't get discouraged. It may seem hard and boring at first, but take the time to break it a part and dive deep. A lot of engineering is made up of little things that we've learned overtime and being applied to something bigger. It may be overwhelming at first but it's worthwhile.

Thanks Oghoghosa for letting me feature you! I can't wait to see what else you do! 

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